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Professional Negligence

Skilled Litigator Pursues Legal Remedies for Aggrieved Clients

Weinreb Law Group handles professional negligence claims involving insurance agents/brokers and other professionals. Weinreb Law Group has vast experience representing lawyers and former clients in legal malpractice cases, as well as representing both insurance agents/brokers and their clients in cases involving the failure to procure appropriate insurance coverage.

The professional negligence cases Weinreb Law Group handles include:

  • Lawyer negligence or unethical conduct, blown statute of limitations, conflicts of interest and breach of fiduciary duty.
  • Insurance and agents and broker negligence arising out of the failure to obtain appropriate coverage, misrepresenting the insurance coverage obtained, and giving bad advice on the type of insurance coverage to be obtained.

Agent / Broker Malpractice Representation

Businesses and individuals are increasingly relying on the advice and expertise of brokers and agents, who address their customer’s insurance needs and provide professional services to their policyholder clients. They suggest and provide insurance coverage based on the customer’s needs, risks, and conditions. When agent and broker negligence arises out of the failure to obtain appropriate coverage, misrepresenting the insurance coverage obtained, and/or giving bad advice on the type of insurance coverage to be obtained, the broker or agent may be liable for coverage shortfalls. Weinreb Law Group represents clients who have been financially harmed by the negligence or misrepresentation of their insurance agents or brokers.

Agent / Broker DEFENSE

Weinreb Law Group has worked with both large and small insurance companies, their agents and brokers to provide advice and defense of many different claims, including errors-and-omissions lawsuits; where the insured party's coverage is in dispute; the insurance company believes the claim is false, frivolous, or made in bad faith; or if there was significant misrepresentation by the policyholder either at the time of enrollment or regarding the claimed incident. As a result of WLG’s unique understanding of the insurance profession, Lead Counsel, Marnin Weinreb, serves as counsel and advisor to a number of insurance companies and their claims management companies.

WLG's experience in representing clients on both sides of professional liability cases provides our clients with attorneys that have a unique and useful perspective in this area of law.

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